Blue Balls - Penis & Balls Shaped Ice Cube Tray
Serving drinks at your bachelorette party? Whether you're serving punch or mixed drinks, and whether they've got dirty names (like Sex on the Beach) or classy ones (Martinis, anyone?), Blue Balls Penis Ice Cubes are sure to add some spunk to your beverage. Take your favourite drink and make it even better by adding these ice cubes. They might not improve the flavor or increase the alcohol content, but they'll probably still make you enjoy it more and think you're drunk faster. After all, you'll think, you must be drunk to be drinking a drink with these in it!
The package includes two trays of eight cubes per tray that make a total of 16 regular-sized ice cubes. This tray could also be used to make teeny tiny jello shots. If you're going to do that, though, you'll need to make a lot of them, because nobody will get drunk off of just a few jello shots that are this small!
All of your guests will be amused by this essential bachelorette party item. Next time you throw a hot party, cool off with Penis & Balls Shaped Ice Cube Tray.